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UBTECH Robotics Collaborates with the University of Hong Kong for Joint Research on Human-like Visual Perception

2023-12-15 13:45


On September 20, 2023, UBTECH Robotics announced a strategic partnership with the University of Hong Kong to embark on collaborative research focused on human-like visual perception algorithms and technology for service robots. The research involves the exploration of 3D point cloud data processing and analysis.



In the context of visual recognition applications for humanoid robots, traditional 2D images based on visual sensors often face challenges in extracting effective features, especially in low-texture environments. The usage of 3D point cloud data can complement pure visual sensor solutions, help enhance the visual recognition precision of humanoid robots, and make them more adept in various scenarios.


Throughout this collaboration, UBTECH Robotics will also provide an algorithm testing platform, facilitating the testing of related technologies. The overarching goal is to expedite the practical application of human-like visual perception algorithms and technology within the robotics industry, ultimately refining the precision of visual perception in robots.


Against the backdrop of favorable innovation policies in Hong Kong, UBTECH Robotics has been invited to establish subsidiaries and research institutes in the region. This strategic move not only enables the company to tap into a broader pool of global talents but also fosters collaboration with Hong Kong's prestigious academic institutions. Together, we are creating a world-class technology innovation platform, bolstering the industry's international competitiveness, and accelerating the integration of artificial intelligence and humanoid robotics at the forefront of the digital economy. Leveraging Hong Kong's international strengths, our influence is poised to extend throughout Southeast Asia and potentially reach markets in Europe and the United States. This endeavor will facilitate global connections and enable us to cater to a diverse range of customers worldwide.

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